producing and acting course

Producing and acting course

> annual course

> registration currently open

> professor francisco leiva

> classes on tuesdays end thursdays 19:00 - 22:00 hs.

> classes will be taught at estudio 3. tel +34/91 -5322701, calle nuñez de arce 11,bajo, 28012 madrid, metro sol y sevilla

The course is aimed at producing spectacles (shows). it’s a year long course for those who have completed their formation as actors and who are eager to act in front of the public. after approving a previous test, those who have professional experience and/or who have received theatrical (acting) formation will be admitted into the course.
We will constitute different groups that will produce, every trimester or even more frequently, a show from the very first sketch to the opening night in front of the public. we will work in a cooperative way ensuring the minimal resources for the function. the professor will act as director-coordinator to guide rehearsals and plan the functions.
In this way we will be trained in the use of the actor’s tools. just as a musician practices his instrument and as a plastic artist paints regularly, an actor must practice in solitary, in relation with other bodies, in relation with space, with the word, with the text, with music. throughout the course expresive and creative training will be practicedthrough physical, plastical, vocal and composition and improvisation excercises.
Finally there will be a constructive and critical reflection. it’s an individual and colletive interchange that generates a critical conscience among the course participants.
There will be a student selection process by a personal interview and analysis of their personal resumes.