> The play was inagurated in Madrid on March 18 / 2009. It stayed on stage for four months
> On september 19 it was inaugurated in Buenos Aires with a complete different artistic team.
> Presentations are being currently prepared to stage it in Paris and in Madrid.
In the years between I World War and II World War, a ship travelled from Europe to North America carrying millionaires, tourists and emigrants that fleed from misery. Each one of their stories interweave with the fascinating presence of Novecento, an extraordinary pianist who was born in the ship and had never descended from of the ship
Novecento played the most beautiful notes. Nobody knew he had never descended but everyone wanted to hear him play and when they did they became hypnotized by his music.
In this amazing trip the same question was always heard
“But why don’t you come down novecento? Why?”
Based on the novel by Alessandro Baricco. A theatrical spectacle full of music.
Artistic Team Buenos Aires / Paris
Germinal Marín
Virginia Kaufmann
Francisco Leiva
Germinal Marín
Visual Conception
Lucas Marín
Claudio del Bianco
Assistant Director
Paloma Marín
Francisco Leiva
Pan y arte
Laboratorio C.